Friday, July 3, 2009

Wii Bowling Workout?

Last night my daughter and I were playing Wii Bowling. Actually we played a couple rounds of Wii Tennis first and got bored with that and moved on to Bowling. During our second game she starts jumping around and says we should be more active while we are playing this. So then we start doing jumping jacks, running in place, push ups, lunges, squats, etc...while the other person was bowling. It was really fun and really quite a workout! We are both sore today pretty much all over our bodies. It was so much easier than just trying to do one exercise after another. Plus you are waiting on the other person to finish bowling so you have to keep going the whole time. If you have a Wii and you want to make it more active than just standing in one spot to play the game, start moving around and doing some will definitely be a workout and you might even be sore the next day!


  1. Wow - way to be creative with your workouts!!! I need to bust out the wii fit again but i'm scare the little guy is going to yell at me for being gone so long LOL!

  2. I think I might invest in a Wii, everyone says they are so cool! I want the one where you can get weighed and exercise - nice going doing yours between bowling turns though lol. Sounds like you are nice and healed now :)

  3. I told steve to start looking for a used Wii, either on ebay or craigslist. My daughter has the program for Wii fit, but did not get the system in the divorce (men are jerks).

  4. This sounds like a great idea. I do have a wii, and I found that my arm got sore after the bowling. I'll try jumping around next time.

  5. Oh I want at Wii so bad. We played this weekend for the first time. Boxing made me soooo sore! And I was laughing so hard during tennis i almost pee'd my pants!
