Thursday, January 28, 2010

Slowly, inch by inch

You would think with that title I would be talking about my measurements, but alas I am not. Actually I have not taken measurements since the day before my surgery, so I should probably do that soon. Anyhoo, I am referring to how slowly the scale is moving. While I would be thrilled if this 45 represented the number of pounds I have lost (it doesn't!), it does however represent the percentage of the excess weight I have lost. My doctor is always referring to the % of excess weight lost more than pounds lost so I have chosen to take that outlook too. 45% is nothing to sneeze at for sure, I am excited to be at this place and even more excited about what is right around the corner. With the next 5lb block that I lose I will be below the lowest weight I have been in 3 years, and when I was that weight 3 years ago (for a brief second in time) it was the lowest I had been in 20 years!!! So you can see that while the weight is not flying off of me but rather creeping off slowly, inch by inch - it is such an exciting time that I have to celebrate where I am at and what is about to be!!!


  1. Hey, a percentage of excess weight lost is brilliant!! Really is. And I hear you with the slow weight loss - gets the best of us in the end. I'm crawling along with you.
    Hope things start to pick up (losing weight wise.. wasn't that a round about way of saying it!)
    Cara x

  2. Wow, that's a crazy good percentage of weight loss!!!! Awesome work :)

  3. Hey, that's darn near half, right?
    Great job!!!!

  4. Thanks for the link to your blog...all I had was a first name...glad I found you!!! Great blog! Hooray for 45%...that's almost to the 'hump''s all downhill from there! You'll get there!! (DD and DGD are beautiful...get that from you!)

  5. 45% is huge! It's important to look at that as well as pounds. You are doing great.
