I completed Week 1 of Couch to 5k yesterday. Actually I am a day behind - but that is ok with me, at least I am still doing it so that is a big improvement! It will be a little challenging for me to get my runs in the next two weeks because I will be traveling. But I will do what I can and be happy about what I accomplish.
I am in Seattle today, visiting a friend. I flew in late last night so it was dark and rainy and I didn't get to see much. I did see the Space Needle - you know the one you always see in movies? So that was pretty cool, and I am hoping to get to see more of Seattle over the next few days. I will be here till Thursday and then I fly to Denver to visit 2 more friends. (I needed to get out of my house for a while - long story that I may dive into another day). I will be in Denver till Sunday, then I fly home again. But I am only home for a couple days then I fly out again on Wednesday for a business trip -going to Vegas! Yay! I am excited about that too. So, as you can see with my travel schedule it will be difficult to get my runs in. I also brought along the Biggest Loser game that I got for my Nintendo DS recently, so I will be doing that as well. I really want to keep up with the exercise trend that I have started cause it is so hard to keep restarting.
I am feeling really good these days, more positive, more energetic and just overall GOOD. I believe it is the great combo of Water, exercise and Contentment. :) Anyhoo, I like it and plan to continue. Hope you all are having a great day!
Bullshit and Some Truth
6 years ago
How fantastic you are feeling all that is good - I love reading this from other bloggers - it means we are heading in the right direction!!